MS and bowel problems

Neurogenic bowel dysfunction (NBD)

Is a common symptom of Multiple Sclerosis. This is because MS causes damage to parts of the central nervous system that are responsible for regulating the gastrointestinal tract. It is not uncommon if you live with MS to experience some form of bowel dysfunction, and so, if bowel issues are a part of your life, you are not alone.

How do the bowels work?


The digestive system is wonderfully complex. Put simply, digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller bits, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The bits that are not absorbed are then expelled from the body as waste.

The bowels function in the latter half of the digestive process, after food has passed through the stomach. After being mixed with stomach juices, food is passed to the small intestine, which absorbs the nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The large intestine, also known as the colon, then takes over, absorbing the remaining water and salt. This makes the waste products become firmer and turn into stool.


Stool is pushed through the intestine towards the rectum by peristaltic movements - a series of muscle contractions that move the stool forward.

When the stoll reaches the end of the colon, it is stored in the rectum. As the rectum fills, nerve signals are triggered that are sent to the brain, telling it that it is time to poo. The internal sphincter then relaxes automatically when it is time to empty the bowel, allowing stool to move to the anus, ready for expulsion. The external sphincter then relaxes when defecation is appropriate.

Understand the types of bowel dysfunction common in MS

How does MS affect the bowels?

MS can disrupt the neurological pathways that directly control bowel functions. This is what leads to neurogenic bowel dysfunction. NBD can emerge in people living with MS in many ways but can normally be grouped into two areas. It can either lead to problems maintaining control over the bowels and having some level of accidents, or it can lead to problems with constipation and evacuation of the bowels.